Continental Divide: Triple Divide Peak


I have had this theme brewing in my mind for quite a while. Some of my pieces are inspired by the book “Home Ground,” a compilation of words that describe our natural landscape. Each time I cross the continental divide I am reminded of how much I am a speck on the landscape, and the water beneath my feet will flow to either of two oceans. There are just a few places on our planet where “triple divide peaks” send water off to three oceans. One can be found in Montana, inside Glacier National Park. As intrigued as I am by this, I stumbled with imagery representing the concept. This aerial view is an effort. I don’t think I have “hit the nail on the head,” and perhaps will try again. For now, this is it.


A short (1:15) video on creating this piece

“Continental Divide: Triple Divide Peak” light-fast colored pencil on museum board, 39x31