
“Bergschrund” 40 x 30 inches, colored pencil on museum board

This drawing below was the original “Bergschrund” drawing. This version is framed, 40 inches by 30 inches. Please scroll down to find a short video about this piece.

“Bergschrund” 40x30 inches, colored pencil on paper

“Bergschrund” 40x30 inches, colored pencil on paper


A bergschrund is a place on a mountain where a glacier is separating from the rock surface, creating a large gash. Scroll down a bit and you will find a 3-minute video of me explaining the source of inspiration, frustrations in creating, and moving through to the final image.

This is 40 inches tall by 30 inches wide, colored pencil on museum board. There is a light spray of acrylic paint (applied with a mouth atomizer) to provide texture.